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Encouraging Patients to Accept & Return In-Home Lab Test Kits
In-home lab testing is a convenient and accessible service to members that can make a valuable addition to any provider practice. An in-home lab test kit often warrants quicker test results, while

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Wellness Appointment Outreach
We’re assisting at-risk members in scheduling their annual wellness visits.

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Employer’s Healthcare Costs Have Plateaued
PwC’s Health Research Institute predicts that, without benefit design changes, large employers will see a 6 percent increase in health plan costs in 2019, the same rate of increase as in 2018. Costs for the previous five years have increased between 5.5 percent and 7 percent.

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Arkansas PCPs Are Improving Healthcare
Congratulations to these medical providers for their outstanding performance in the QualChoice 2017 Comprehensive Primary Care Plus program!

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Opioid Misuse and Guideline for Prescribing
Opioid addiction can occur even at appropriately prescribed doses. Review the CDC guidelines for prescribing opioid medication for chronic pain.

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QualChoice is Helping PCPs Improve Healthcare
A Primary Care Physician (PCP) can act as your personal healthcare adviser. And QualChoice is working to help PCPs improve healthcare in Arkansas.